As with any medical procedure, abortion has risks. One of these is the risk of infection.
What Are The Main Types of Abortion?
There are two main types of abortion: surgical and medical. Both carry a risk of infection.
What Are the Signs or Symptoms of Infection After a Surgical Abortion?
The most common type of early surgical abortion is a D&C, or Dilation and Curettage. This is performed by using small instruments or medication to open the cervix.
A small instrument, called a curette, is inserted to scrape the uterine wall and remove all of the contents. Sometimes, a small vacuum is used to remove any remaining pieces.
Infection can occur if any contents of the uterus still remain or if the uterine wall is perforated or has a small tear. Signs of infection include:
- Fever
- Cramps lasting longer than 48 hours
- Pain that keeps getting worse
- A foul-smelling discharge
With later-term abortions, sometimes portions of the fetus remain in the uterus, causing infection. This is called retained product of conception, and the symptoms are basically the same as above.
What Are Signs Of Infection In A Medical Abortion?
A medical abortion is performed using two drugs taken hours or days apart. This type of abortion should only be done up to 9 weeks after the first day of a woman’s last period.
Mifepristone blocks progesterone, which stops fetal development. Misoprostol causes cramping and bleeding, which empties the uterus.
Infection can occur if not all contents are eliminated. Signs of this are a fever that lasts more than 24-48 hours and unpleasant odors from the vagina.
We’re Here To Help!
If you think you might be pregnant, Pathways Pregnancy Resource Center is here to give you the vital information you need. We can provide no-cost pregnancy testing, an ultrasound, and information on your options to help you make the best choice.
Contact us today!