Pathways PRC
If you are considering an abortion, it is important to learn about all the associated risks beforehand.
One of the more common complications of abortion is an incomplete abortion.
What is an Incomplete Abortion?
Sometimes an abortion doesn’t remove all the parts of the baby or placenta. When there are remaining parts of a pregnancy inside a womb it is called an incomplete abortion.
The National Library of Medicine reports that “An incomplete abortion is the partial loss of the products of conception within the first 20 weeks. Incomplete abortion usually presents with moderate to severe vaginal bleeding, which may be associated with lower abdominal and/or pelvic pain.”
This can happen both with surgical abortions and at-home medical abortions.
How Does an Incomplete Abortion Happen?
Most commonly an incomplete abortion happens after taking the abortion pill, often after incorrectly following instructions.
The National Library of Medicine reported that thirty percent of incomplete abortions were a result of women self-administering the abortion pill without doctor supervision– meaning they ordered the pills from a third-party source which may have had incorrect dosages, or that they did not have a follow-up examination.
In other cases, an incomplete abortion can happen after a miscarriage, when your body does not naturally expel all the parts of the pregnancy.
An incomplete abortion can also be a result of a surgical abortion that was rushed.
What Are the Symptoms of an Incomplete Abortion?
If you have an incomplete abortion, you may suffer from any of the following symptoms:
- Heavy bleeding that lasts more than three weeks
- Blood clots
- Severe pain and cramping, as if your body is trying to go into labor
- Discomfort when anything presses on your belly
- A high fever that can signal an infection
- Low back pain
How is an Incomplete Abortion Treated?
If you are having any of these symptoms, your doctor may want to do an ultrasound to see if there is any remaining tissue inside your womb.
You may be given another dose of mifepristone to create contractions that will force your body to expel the rest of the pregnancy.
Or, surgical intervention may be required.
If the tissue is not removed, you could suffer a bad infection or face septic shock.
Do You Have More Questions?
If you have had an abortion or miscarriage and are concerned about an incomplete abortion, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
We can offer free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. Our knowledgeable staff can answer any further questions you may have, and point you toward helpful resources.