
Not Sure What To Do Next?

Are you feeling inadequate, stressed, and fearful after finding out that your partner is pregnant? This is very normal when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Questions come one by one in your mind, and it’s hard to know what to do next.

You may be asking yourself…

  • Is she really pregnant?”
  • “Am I the father?”
  • “How did this happen?”
  • “What do I do now?”
  • “How can we afford a child?”

We are here to help you and your partner with some of your most tough pregnancy questions. Know that you have options and support available.

How Do You Support Your Partner?

Maybe your initial reaction to your partner’s pregnancy news wasn’t the best. In the heat of the moment, it can feel overwhelming and scary. The best thing you can do to show your support to your partner is to reassure her that she is not alone. Be there when she needs your help and try your best to help navigate through the pregnancy alongside her.

Visit our center today to learn about your pregnancy options together and receive no-cost pregnancy services.

What Happens Next?

First, if your partner hasn’t already, come in for a no-cost and confidential pregnancy test. While at-home pregnancy tests are normally accurate, a lab-quality pregnancy test is needed to be sure. Then, an ultrasound is necessary to move forward with your pregnancy options and eligibility. Move forward with the clarity you need.

If you need help supporting your partner during this unplanned pregnancy, talk with one of our team members to discuss resources and for advice. We are here for you.

Difficult Pathways often lead to Beautiful Destinations.