Did you know that medical abortion uses a progesterone blocker that disrupts your body’s natural processes?
Did you know that not every woman is eligible for the drugs used in a medical abortion?
Did you know getting a medical abortion without first having an ultrasound puts your health at risk?
With all the misinformation surrounding medical abortions (also known as the “abortion pill”), you might be surprised to discover there’s a lot you don’t know about this serious abortion option.
Before seeking a medical abortion—learn the facts. This will protect your health and ensure you’re making an informed decision.
This article will highlight the essential facts you need to know about a medical abortion. However, if you’re looking for more information and a safe space to talk, we’re here for you. Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential appointment.
1. You Might Not Be Eligible for the Abortion Drugs
Some women aren’t eligible for the drugs used in a medical abortion.
If your pregnancy is past 10 weeks gestation, or if you’re experiencing a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, you aren’t eligible for a medical abortion.
Wondering how to find out about these pregnancy details? Ultrasound is the answer. This simple scan will tell you your pregnancy’s age, location, and viability, which will help you determine if you’re eligible to take the abortion drugs.
(For a complete list of situations that make you ineligible for the abortion drugs, go here.)
2. Medical Abortion Comes with a Major Risk
After taking the drugs involved in a medical abortion, you might experience a risk to your health.
The most serious risk is an incomplete abortion. This occurs when parts of the terminated pregnancy remain in your uterus. This is a dangerous situation because it can lead to a potentially deadly infection, prolonged bleeding, and severe pain.
3. You Might Experience Unexpected Effects
Along with physical risks, medical abortion comes with risks to your mental health.
If you feel at all pressured into an abortion or have preexisting mental health conditions, you’re more likely to experience an adverse mental health outcome after an abortion, such as depression, anxiety, guilt, shame, etc.
Furthermore, some women have reported experiencing unexpectedly severe pain after taking the abortion drugs.
We’re Here for You
At Pathways Pregnancy Resource Center, we understand what you’re going through—but you’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.
Before seeking a medical abortion, contact us to receive a free, limited ultrasound once you’ve received a positive pregnancy test with us. Ultrasounds are essential for protecting your health and determining your eligibility.
*All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.